Your information
How we collect it, store it, protect it, and when we share it.
We take your privacy very seriously.
We want to tell you more about what we do with your personal information and how we keep it secure.
Omagh Volunteer Centre collects information about you when you:
Register with Omagh Volunteer Centre
If you register with Omagh Volunteer Centre to find a suitable volunteering opportunity, we will provide the mutually chosen organisations with your contact details, enabling them to contact you directly. If you are registered with us as a volunteer or a group/organisation we will ( from time to time) email you with information on new volunteering opportunities, volunteer recognition & awards events, training for volunteers and information regarding grants for community groups. There is a tick box to opt out of this at the registration stage or you may contact us at any time to request that your details be removed by emailing or by writing to Omagh Volunteer Centre, Anderson House, 41 C Market Street, Omagh, Co.Tyrone. BT781EH.
Your rights
Under Data Protection legislation, you have rights as an individual about how we use your information.
You can read more about these rights here –
Access to your data
You have the right to see what data we hold about you. If you want to do this then contact us – details are below. We’ll provide this information in line with GDPR requirements.
If you tell us that the data we hold on you isn’t correct, we’ll take steps to address this as soon as we can practically do so.
Our basis for processing data
Under GDPR we must tell you what lawful basis we rely on for processing data. We rely on legitimate interests for processing all our data. Where we process special category data we rely on explicit consent. This means that if we are asking you to give us information on your health, ethnic origin or other sensitive data then we will check that you agree to us processing your data and we’ll tell you what we will be using it for.
Storage of data
Omagh Volunteer Centre will store data from our registration forms. This includes volunteers, organisations/groups and volunteering opportunity details which are all stored securely on the Department for Communities NI-wide database. Each of the above forms has a tick box to opt out of this process and you can contact us at any time to have your details removed.
All B-Friend Hub clients are required to provide informed consent allowing coordinators to gather and store confidential details during the registration/referral process. All details belonging to clients of The B-Friend Hub will be stored confidentially on a password protected system with controlled access.
Omagh Volunteer Centre is a Registered Body for Access NI and we are compliant with their strict processing and storage rules.
This privacy notice was last updated in April 2019.
How to contact us
If you would like more information you can call 028 8224 0772.
Or write to: Omagh Volunteer Centre, Anderson House, 41 C Market Street, Omagh, Co.Tyrone. BT781EH